Support and advice to cut down or stop
If your drinking is at increasing or high risk level we'd advise you to cut down - you may want to explore the following options below:
1. Speak to a counsellor
Counselling can be particulalry helpful, even for just a one-off consultation. A counsellor can also refer you to other services if needed. We can recommend you contact:
Richmond Community Drug and Alcohol Service
Phone number: 020 3228 3020 / Email:
Address: Ilex House, 94 Holly Road. Twickenham. TW1 4HF
Richmond Community Drug and Alcohol Service (known as RCDAS) is a community drug and alcohol service for anyone over the age of 18 living in the London Borough of Richmond. The over-arching aim of the service is to support service users in reducing or stopping their substance use and associated harm, and working towards sustainable and meaningful recovery in the community.
Students at St Mary's University
The Wellbeing Team are here to support students on the Top Floor of J building - Email or Tel. 020 8240 4187
2. Try our 30 Day Drink Less Programme
The Richmond 30 Day Drink Less Programme sends you an email a day for 30 days with tips and tricks to help you make changes to your drinking and it’s FREE to Richmond residents and workers! The programme is based on evidence-based counselling and wellbeing techniques to help you cut down and feel healthier.
3. Get some advice from Drinkline
This is the national Telephone Helpline for anyone concerned about their drinking - Tel. 0800 917 8282 - Information and self-help materials, help to callers worried about their own drinking, support to the family and friends of people who are drinking, advice to callers on where to go for help
4. Get support from a self-help group
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a free self-help group. Its "12-step" programme involves getting sober with the help of regular support groups.
Smart Recovery UK is also a network of free self-help groups. It believes change comes about through motivation, behavior change and self-learning.
Al-Anon Family Groups offer support and understanding to the families and friends of problem drinkers, whether they're still drinking or not.

5. Use online self-help counselling
We can recommend Down Your Drink - an online self-help programme developed by Doctors at University College London available for anyone who wants to cut down or stop.
6. Further information online
Change for Life
Information on a healthier relationship to drinking from Change 4 Life - an excellent website from the Department of Health on keeping yourself healthy
NHS Information on alcohol
Detailed advice on alcohol and health from NHS Live Well
The Drinkaware website aims to increase awareness and understanding of the role of alcohol in society, enabling individuals to make informed choices about their drinking.