Managing stress and work life balance
Everyone finds work stressful sometimes, it goes with the territory. It can also be rewarding and exciting if you’ve succeeded with that pitch, target or meeting.
What better way to unwind or celebrate than with a drink, right?
Well, up to a point. Some people choose not to drink at all, while others manage to stick to just one or two drinks. Problems can occur if drinking after work becomes habitual or if you find you’re drinking so much that your work (and home life) is affected.
Believe it or not, colleagues do notice if you’ve come into work after a heavy night and you really don’t have to over-do it just to keep up with everyone else.
You may also be concerned about a friend or colleague who you work with – and its best to tackle this head on before things get out of hand.
The alcohol charity Drinkaware has some useful advice on work and drinking here
And if you’re concerned about a colleague drinking, have a look at our fact sheet on supporting them.
If your drinking is affecting your work
Drinking at increased risk levels may affect your ability to work productively and safely. You may find that your drinking leaves you less able to work well and may be impacting on your health and safety at work. If you work in a safety critical role your drinking may be endangering you and others, even if there is no alcohol in your body when you’re at work. This is because excessive drinking can cause you to feel more sluggish and less responsive.
Most employers have a policy of supporting staff who come forward with any concerns they have about their drinking or drug use. Alcohol Health Network strongly advises anyone drinking at high risk levels to seek support.